As if you needed a reason to schedule your boudoir session with us…we’re happy to help pile on the items listed in your “pros” column!

  1. Because lately you’ve just felt awesome and it’s time you do something awesome for yourself!
  2. This would make the perfect wedding gift…
  3. This will top every anniversary gift you’ve ever given (and probably will ever give)!
  4. Because you’ve decided it’s time to start trying for a family and this is the perfect way to jump start those between-the-sheets moments!
  5. Because this kind of empowerment will help you shake off that ugly breakup you’re still carrying around.
  6. You love yourself and you’re kinda a lot of fun so this session is perfect for you!
  7. Because you are one. hot. mamma. Literally. And because you made a beautiful little human, you deserve some serious pampering. Time to call the babysitter!
  8. Because Happy Birthday Mr. President…
  9. You finally hit your weight-loss goal and it’s time to celebrate!
  10. Because this is going to be one Christmas he’s going to remember…
  11. Because you’ve been saying you’re going to do this for years and it’s time to go all in and commit to what you know you want to do!
  12. Lately you’re trying things that force you to step outside your comfort zone and it’s been offering up some pretty amazing experiences!
  13. Because he just survived your mother visiting for the last 2 weeks and he deserves the biggest “thank you” ever.
  14. Because Victoria’s Secret has a killer sale going on right now…
  15. You’re healing from a trauma and as a survivor, it’s time to show yourself how beautifully strong you truly are.
  16. You only live once. Really! Grab life by the pantyhose and schedule that darn session!
  17. Because Monday’s suck and this session will make your Monday not suck.